
Hi! I’m Gabriella!

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Image of Gabriella taken by Veronica R.

I’m a twentysomething college student! I’m an over-thinker, proud puppy mom and appreciator of cheesy jokes. Being a young adult means I am constantly working on figuring it out. Figuring what out exactly? A little bit of everything.

Between getting my Mass Communications degree, working full time and trying to live my best life, every day is a learning curve. Oh, and I can’t forget puppy parenting.

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My puppy Luna taken by Gabriella

I am overwhelmed by a beautiful mess. I love every area of my life, but the struggle is real. Some days I feel like a bumbling toddler version of an adult.



Can you relate? You are in the right place! Shout out to all the other young adults, twenty-somethings and college students! This blog is your source of encouragement! I am passionate about you knowing that you are an amazing creature and you totally got this! Even if you are still figuring it out!

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