Are You Ready to Be Empowered by a Lotus Flower?

What could you possibly learn from a flower? Apparently, you can learn a whole lot. I woke up one morning with a compelling need to Google lotus flowers. I hear how strange that sounds, but one look at my Google search history and you would understand. I started by looking at pictures and ended by being completely inspired with what the flower represents.

Lotus Flower
Creative Commons image from Pixabay

Are you ready to be empowered by a flower?

Emflowered? Never mind…

The lotus flower often grows in muddy water. In fact, it thrives there. It emerges from mud, yet has the unique ability to bloom without any mud on its petals. The dirty water literally slides right off. The flower rises above its murky environment and becomes its best self.

Everyone reading this (and the girl writing this) has been in some sort of “muddy water.”

Muddy Water
Image taken by Gabriella C.

You know what it feels like to experience a difficult situation, bad environment or negativity. This flower is a reminder that you are stronger than your surroundings and circumstances. The lotus does not care that it is born into muck. It does not let its gloomy atmosphere determine what is life looks like. It has bigger plans. 

This week when you are drowning in your own muddy water (whatever that looks like to you), remember that you can be like the lotus flower. Let the nastiness slide right off and emerge from any situation as YOUR best self.

How will YOU be like the lotus flower this week?

Here’s to figuring it out.

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